What Does a Title Company Like Marina Title Actually Do? What Does a Title Company Like Marina Title Actually Do?

What Does a Title Company Like Marina Title Actually Do?

May 27 2019

Essentially, what a Title Company does is make sure that the title to a property you intend to buy is legitimate, and then issue a title insurance policy for that property. A title insurance policy protects the owner and/or lender in the event that claims or lawsuits against the property arise after it has been purchased. Having title insurance is not only a good idea; often, it is a requirement you need to meet in order to be issued a mortgage.

Generally, Title Companies maintain escrow accounts that contain the funds needed to close on the home that is being purchased by the client. The purpose of this money is to ensure that the funds are used exclusively for settlement and closing costs of the real estate transaction. At closing, a settlement agent from the Title Company will collect all the necessary documentation, gather closing costs, and distribute the funds. Additionally, your Title Company will ensure that new titles, deeds, and any other documents are properly filed with the appropriate entities.

Typically, Title Companies offer services that include title insurance, settlements, refinancing, and contract drafting and review.


Often, your Title Company will act as the closing agent for your real estate transaction. This means that the Title Company will act as an agent for both parties in the transaction. The Title Company will obtain all signatures on all closing documentation and receive and distribute all payments related to the property transfer. Then, the Title Company will record documents such as mortgages and deeds in the local county records office.

Contract Drafting and Review

When acquiring title insurance, your Title Company is going to conduct a thorough research on the property through the public records, during which they will be looking for defects in the title in order to make sure that the property has been transferred legally, and that there are no individuals who have any legal claim to the property. Additionally, your Title Company is going to work hard to make sure that there are no liens or encumbrances affecting the ownership of the property. This step is part of the contract drafting process. In most cases, your Title Company will also review all documents that relate to the property transfer in order to make sure everything is in its best possible shape.

Florida Title Companies offer a wide variety of services, which allows them to be highly involved in the home buying process. It is crucial to make sure you understand what services a Title Company offers, specifically before hiring them to handle your transaction because you are more than likely going to be highly involved with them for a while.

When it comes to Title Companies in Florida, Marina Title the best option available.

Work with Marina Title

Our title company is owned and operated by Real Estate Attorneys with several years of experience handling real estate transactions and resolving ownership disputes. Our title experts will not only help you buy the house of your dreams, but they will also enhance your home buying experience—making sure you navigate the process as smoothly as possible. If we find obstacles down the road, we will do everything within our power to overcome them in the most cost-effective manner. Marina Title will work hard to protect your real estate investment—one of the biggest investments you will ever make, if not the biggest.

To schedule an initial consultation with one of our title experts, call us today at (305) 901-5628 or send us an email to [email protected].

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