How-Can-Title-Insurance-Help-Me Title Insurance

How Can Title Insurance Help Me?

Oct 25 2019

A Title Insurance policy can help you protect your home and all the money and effort you put into buying it and turning it into the home of your dreams. Nevertheless, most homebuyers in Florida do not understand how incredibly crucial it is to have Title Insurance. This lack of knowledge comes from the fact that buying a home is something most people only get to do once in a lifetime, which means they only hear the term “Title Insurance” that one time.

Are you looking to buy a home in Florida? Read on to learn the benefits of purchasing a Title Insurance policy and hiring a reliable Title Insurance Company to manage your real estate transaction.

What are Title Defects?

Title defects are legal claims or circumstances that hinder the verification of the title and identification of the true owner of a property. Experts say that up to 30% of all titles in Florida have defects. This astonishingly high percentage is the main reason why working with a Title Insurance Company is crucial when it comes to ensuring that the property you intend to buy has a clear title before you close on it.

However, there is no need to worry. Here at Marina Title, finding title defects is what we do best. Our title experts work diligently to give you peace of mind throughout the home buying process.

What is a Title Search?

A title search is an examination of public records we do to find title defects, such as ownership claims or liens, and determine and confirm the legal ownership of the properties our clients intend to buy. When you work with Marina Title, our underwriters conduct a thorough search of the property history, looking for issues such as liens, unpaid taxes, and incomplete history of title transfers.

After the title search, your title agents from Marina Title will work to clear the title to the property you intend to buy and then issue a comprehensive Title Insurance policy for you. Your Title Insurance policy will protect you for as long as you own the property, and you only need to pay for it once.

What Do Title Agents Do?

Title agents fix the title issues of the property you intend to buy before you close on it. Your title agents will work to negotiate any payoffs, liens, or commitments attached to the property’s title, depending on the title search results. In addition, your title agents will make sure that all the parties involved in the transaction submit the necessary paperwork on time. The main goal of your Title Insurance Company is to ensure you get a new home that rightfully belongs to you.

How Do I Choose a Title Insurance Company?

  • Step 1: Do your research.

The fact that you are reading this article means you already took a step in the right direction – you are doing your research. Many first-time homebuyers choose a Title Insurance Company based solely on the price rather than the quality of their services. Do not make that mistake!

We understand that, in most cases, our clients are concerned about going over budget. However, when looking for a Title Insurance Company, the price of their services should not be at the top of your list of concerns. Keep in mind that no matter how much you end up paying for your Title Insurance policy, you only need to pay for it once, and it will protect you for as long as you own the property. There is no need to do the math – purchasing a Title Insurance policy is far less expensive than fixing unknown title issues that emerge after you close on a property.

  • Step 2: Choose Marina Title.

At Marina Title, our main goal is to provide you with a professional, engaging, and memorable closing experience. We can help protect your new home from any potential legal disputes arising from unknown title issues.

Get in touch with us today. Call us at (305) 901-5628 or send us an email to [email protected].

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