Choosing a Florida Title Company Choosing a Florida Title Company

Choosing a Florida Title Company – Who Gets to Choose?

Jun 19 2020

Choosing a Florida title company can be a bit tricky, as there are many different companies to choose from and people with no home buying experience usually do not know what to look for in a title company. In addition, once you find a reputable title company and decide you would like to hire them to handle your real estate closing, you might be told that you do not get to choose the title company. Why? Because there are no clear rules on which party gets to choose, which is why negotiations between the parties often need to take place.

Typically, the seller gets to choose the title company if he or she is willing to pay for the buyer’s owner’s title insurance policy. In other words, they can trade a title insurance policy for the right to choose the title company. The parties can come to any type of agreement. However, in Florida, it is customary for the seller to pay for title insurance, which means they customarily get to choose the title company. Nevertheless, the law prohibits real estate sellers from requiring buyers to purchase their title insurance policies from a particular company.

Can The Seller and Buyer Use Different Title Companies?

You should not be asking whether buyers and sellers can use different title companies; you should be asking whether they should. Can sellers and buyers use different companies? Sure. Should they? No. Why not? Because using two different companies to manage a single transaction can be quite a challenge, as there will be twice more people involved, which means having to get twice more people on the same page in order to close.

Disagreements between different title companies are the most common reason why Florida real estate closings do not happen on time. Using a single title agency can ensure the signing of the final closing documents occurs on schedule and without complications.

Choosing a Florida Title Company Operated by Attorneys – What are the Benefits?

Once you decide who gets to choose, there is still one question to answer – what is the best title company for your transaction? A hundred percent of the time, the answer to that question is a title company owned and operated by real estate attorneys, such as Marina Title. Choosing a Florida title company owned by attorneys is, of course, not a necessity nor a requirement, but it can be essential if you want to have peace of mind that every single aspect of your real estate transaction complies with all applicable laws and regulations.

What to Look For in a Florida Title Company

When choosing a Florida title company, you should focus on the ones that can provide every single one of the services you will need. Having a single agency carry out all the necessary tasks can be a huge advantage, as it will not only save you a lot of money but also a substantial amount of time. Choosing the right company can be the difference between a smooth closing and a stressful nightmare from which all parties involved will want to wake up as soon as possible.

Marina Title is a full-service title company, meaning we can manage your real estate transaction from start to finish. We can provide all of the services you will need in order to close on your new home. In other words, you get everything you need under one roof. This can be extremely convenient, as it will allow you to close smoothly and quickly.

Call Marina Title at (305) 901-5628 or email us at We can help you close on the home of your dreams.

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